Electric paramotor, FSVL discipline since 2016
░ The electric motor is an interesting climbing alternative for paragliders, deltas and rigid wings: it allows you to climb in search of thermals. Electrically powered gliders have been part of the FSVL since 2016, making them the latest in the free flight disciplines.
Legal framework
The DETEC Ordinance on Special Category Aircraft (OACS) provides the legal framework. In general, slope gliders with and without electric motors are placed on an equal footing. However, Article 10a contains special provisions:
- Take-off and landing exclusively at an aerodrome (exception: landings for safety reasons)
- Authorization of the aerodrome manager
- Approval of the equipment in accordance with the airworthiness requirements established by the German aviation authority: taking into account the aerodrome requirement, the inherent requirements must be met (radio, in particular)
Authorized electric motors
- Electric motors for paragliders, hang gliders and rigid wings intended for take-off on foot or trike are allowed. They must meet the airworthiness requirements established by the German Aeronautical Authority (LBA) for ultralight aircraft operated by moving the centre of gravity of the ultralight take-off and pendulum ultralight type. Each pilot must ensure that the manufacturer meets these conditions.